advance despite adversity

Our Training optimizes your team’s performance by addressing factors that contribute to your organization’s mental wellbeing. Through resilience building you’ll develop a sense of purpose, improve stress management, enhance physical health, prepare for challenges, increase persistence, and improve relationships skills.

disrupt the cycle of distress


Individual Coaching is for ambitious people driven to cultivate a state of inner stability that enhances your mental and physical wellness. Achieve your goals while being prepared to navigate any challenges on your path.

Power-packed keynotes on mental, physical, and emotional resilience for high performers, business leaders, and elite athletes. Our talks challenge the status quo, demonstrate change as opportunity, and provide tangible takeaways that equip your audience to achieve goals despite any obstacles along the way.

anchor into your resilience


optimize wellbeing


To build lasting resilience in healthy partnerships, you must focus on boosting collaboration. Our transformative retreats set up couples to enhance their relationship through skill building that improves communication, prioritizes accountability, and uplifts you to work in greater partnership together.

explore your blueprint


Assessments allow you and your team to gain valuable insight that builds upon self-discovery and predict mental health risk factors that can be used to understand the best path forward for you to improve mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.



increased resilience

Individuals become 25% more resilient within the first 6 months.

improved performance

91% of people improve from active participation.

higher job satisfaction

Employees with higher resilience have 83% higher job satisfaction.

get to know your


With over 30+ years of combined experience, high performance coaches, Christopher Ewing & Kiley Schmitz uplift you to invest in your resilience, strengthen your mental and physical wellbeing, and advance to the next level.