anchor into your resilience


increase self-awareness in your resilience journey with personalized insight through our assessments




vision ◦ composure ◦ reasoning ◦




health ◦ tenacity ◦ collaboration ◦


Our assessments allow you and your team to gain valuable insight that builds upon self-discovery and predict mental health risk factors that can be used to understand the best path forward for you to improve mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

  • Predictive 6 Factor Resilience is an advanced and efficient resilience psychometric questionnaire. Through a 3-min questionnaire, the PR6 identifies resilience across 6 distinct domains:

    1. Vision

    2. Composure

    3. Reasoning

    4. Health

    5. Tenacity

    6. Collaboration

    These, plus the tenants inside each domain, cover all aspects of our resilience model and training.

  • The RARE Factor is a simple scoring system that reflects individual investment in mental and physical health. It’s an easy number that tracks an individual’s ongoing investment in their own wellbeing.

  • DASS is a widely-used psychometric test to check for the severity of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Through 21 questions, the assessment expands each of these three into their individual symptoms, helping to explore your particular experience.

  • The Big 5 model is arguably the most widely-used way to assess personality. Driven has made available a free Big 5 Personality Test that includes a comprehensive 21-page report for organizations and coaches to learn more about themselves, their teams and their clients, along with tips for self-development.

  • JSECC, or Job Satisfaction, Engagement, Coworker Connection, & Work Context, is part of the HART program. It assesses resilience change and attitudes about work pre and post training.

  • The EQi 2.0 model of emotional intelligence is based on fifteen competencies grouped into five composites: Self-Perception, Self-Expression, Interpersonal, Decision Making and Stress Management. The fifteen competencies, taken together, provide a total EQ.

  • A tool that measures personality traits to understand workplace behavior and communication through the 4 styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, & Conscientiousness. Additional reports supporting this methodology include:

    -DiSC + Conflict

    -DiSC + Leadership

    -DiSC + Emotional Intelligence

    -DiSC + Selling

    -DiSC + Workplace Motivators

    -DiSC + Coaching

  • 16 Personality Factor is a behavioral assessment and a personality test that measures 16 traits that make up 5 global factors: Extraversion, Anxiety, Tough-Mindedness, Independence, & Self-Control.


invest in your resilience. strengthen your mental and physical wellbeing. advance to the next level.

increased resilience

Individuals become 25% more resilient within the first 6 months

higher job satisfaction

48% average job satisfaction score of employees with low resilience vs. 88% average job satisfaction score for employees with high resilience

increased roi in employees

Potential $6,512 potential return per employee by investing in workforce resilience & wellness programs for all staff

decreased sick days

1.8 fewer sick days taken after implementing a wellness program

Redefining Resilience is an Odyssey Resilience podcast for growth-minded leaders designed to give you the vital tools and plan you need to be more resilient in all aspects of life.






disrupt the cycle of distress